Tuesday, October 16, 2012

True Dental Discount Reviews and Testimonials

If you’re looking to find out more information about True Dental Discounts and the reviews from their members then look no further! Below are some member reviews and testimonials for True Dental Discounts. If you would like to read more member reviews / testimonials then visit the True Dental Discounts website for more information.

I finally found something that really helps! The first week I received the Advantage Card, I saved $418 on Dental expenses. That was money I would have had to pay out of my own pocket.
- J. Britt, Orlando, FL

I just want to say thanks for having this service for those that cannot afford dental insurance. I have noticed the savings since the very first time I used it, and I’ve never even heard of Discount Dental Plans before. I was so pleased with the company I called in to see what other programs they offer and signed up for coverage on Medical and Chiropractic as well!
- Kevin, Philadelphia, PA

The free prescription drug card is such an added bonus. I’m on a maintenance drug that used to cost me $107.67 every three months. After receiving my free discount drug card it now costs just $43.42. This is an annual saving of $257, which is even more than the entire plan cost. What a great free bonus to go along with my dental plan.
- Hassan, Sacramento, CA

1 comment:

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